Selected Peer-reviewed Articles & Essays
"Denouncing State Complicity in Prostitution: Activism and Resistance in Nabil Ayouch’s Film Much Loved (2015) and Laila Lalami’s Novel Secret Son (2009).” Remembering Kahina: Representation and Resistance in Post-Independence Maghreb. Editors: Nabil Boudraa and Joseph Krause, Routledge (forthcoming).
“Breaking the Chain of Silence: Political Activism and Social Justice in Omar Offendum’s Syrian-American Hip-Hop” co-authored with Harry Olafsen, Mohammed Ali, Mikayla McCord, American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2017. “Of Bodies, Borders, and European Belonging: Trial of a Child Denied and the Sterilization of Roma Mothers in the Czech Republic,” Mothers, Mothering and Globalization, Ed. Dorsía Smith Silva, Laila Malik, and Abigail Palko, Toronto: Demeter Press, 2017. “Didactic Motherhood: Unburdening Postmemory in Anca Vlasopolos's Memoir No Return Address,” Studies in American Jewish Literature 36 (2), 2017. “‘What shall we hear of this:’ Understanding Judgment, Consciousness, and Epilepsy in William Shakespeare’s Tragedies,” Neophilologus 98 (3), September 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11061-013-9370-4. “Constructing Spaces of Dissent in Communist Romania: Ruined Bodies and Clandestine Spaces in Cristian Mungiu’s 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days and Gabriela Adameșteanu’s ‘Brief Hospitalization,’” Women Studies Quarterly 39 (3&4), 2011. |